Trying To Escape

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Sayoris pov

"dammit it won't move!"

We all splited up into groups to try and find a way out or even just a way of calling for help. My group consists of me, karai, peako and token.

"ekk!" karai yelped and clung to peako.

"is something wrong karai?" I asked.

"ahh nothing to worry about. I simply mistaked my shadow for a demon. A common mistake" she laughed nervously.

I rolled my eyes. Classic karai. She acts all big and confident but deep down she's really just a big cowered!

"alright guys let's get started on the plates"

We were trying our best to make the metal plates on the windows move but it was no good. None of us were strong enough to make them move.

"oh god oh god we're going to be stuck in here forever" token clutched his hair and started breathing heavily "that is if I don't die first. There's no way someone as weak as me will survive. I'm going to die. I'm gonna die!"

"token" I cupped his face gently "I need you to breathe"

"sayori" he burst into tears and clung to my shirt "please help me. I don't want to die"

"your not going to die" I said hugging him close "I promise you'll be fine"

"perhaps we should retire for the night" peako suggested. We all nodded and head to our rooms.

Before I could go inside my room token grabbed my sleeve.

"sayori can I sleep with you tonight?" he asked nervously.

"of course you can" I smiled brightly.

I was aware that token had a fear of sleeping alone. I don't quite remember when he developed this fear or why but ever since we were nine years old token had been coming over for sleepovers. He won't tell his mom's about it cause he doesn't want to bother them so I'm the only one who knows.

We cuddled down and slept together. In the middle of the night I woke up to token screaming.

"no mommy don't hurt me" he begged.

I stared at him in bewilderment. Why would he be dreaming about his mom hurting him?

"I'm sorry just please don't hurt me!"

To have a nightmare like this he must be really stressed. I pulled him closer to me while he sobbed into my chest.

"shhh token it will be ok" I said stroking his hair "everything will be alright in the morning"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now