Coming Out

730 18 14

Kokichis pov

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. Today I planned to tell my husbands that I'm trans. I just hope they takes the news well.

I walked into the kitchen where shuichi was reading a newspaper and kaito was making pancakes.

"Umm guys can I talk to you about something" I asked nervously.

"sure kichi" kaito smiled.

"what do you want to talk about?" shuichi asked.

The two of them gave me their full attention.

I took a deep breath "Well I guess it would be easier if I show you" I took my top off revealing my scars that I got from my top surgery.

"kichi where did you get these scars" kaito asked touching them lightly.

"oh I got them from an operation. You see I used to be a girl but I wanted to be a boy so I changed my gender. I hope that's not weird" I looked down nervously.

Shuichi walked over to me and made me look him in the eye "honey we've been dealing with killing games, D.I.Ds and several assassination attempts. Nothings too weird for me.

"yeah besides you finally got the body you want and I'm happy for you. You deserve to be happy kichi" kaito said kissing my head.

"thank you" I said hugging them tearfully. I'm so glad things worked out.

The next day

I walked into our bedroom to find kaito and shuichi sitting there with a box in their hands.

"go on baby. Go open it" kaito said encouragingly.

"ok" I opened it timidly. Inside was a neckerchief like the one I usually wear except it was pattern like the trans flag.

"we wanted to show our support to you but I didn't know much about trans people so we figured you'd appreciate this. I hope you like it" shuichi said timidly.

I ran up and hugged them "your the best husbands ever!"

"I take it your happy then" shuichi chuckled.

I nodded tearfully. Kaito grabbed me and shuichi and fell back onto the bed. We all lay in bed laughing, feeling happier than we had in ages.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now