Hiros Predictions

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Kaitos pov

"hey kaito" I popped my head up to see my old mentor kazuichi walking towards me. Today I was working in a new place. The same place I got my mentor studies actually.

"hey kazuichi" I waved happily at him.

"man this place takes me back to the day we first met" kazuichi sighed blissfully "hey didn't hiro tell your fortune that day?"

"oh yeah he did" I chuckled at the memory. I really flipped out on the poor guy that day. I wonder if he's still angry about that?

"come to think of it hiros Prediction was totally right" kazuichi said thoughtfully "I mean you did marry two people and a child. The only thing you're missing now is a second child"

"holy crap your right!" with that I took off running.

"gah! Hey kid where are you going?" kazuichi yelled.

"I'm going to get another prediction from Hiro!" I yelled back.

"but what about our work?"

"I'll come back later"

"you better!"

I ran up to the rundown shack hiro calls a workplace. I opened the door with a grin.

"hey hiro!"

"hey kaito" hiro waved back "what brings you here?"

"I'd like to know my fortune" I said confidently.

"certainly" he grinned "that will be ten thousand yen"

"what! That's a rip off!" I yelled.

"Well since you yelled at me last time I give you your fortune I'm not giving you it for free this time!" yep he's still angry about it!

"fine" I grumbled handing him the money.

"alright let's get started" I sat down and he read my terot cards "wow how interesting"

"what is it?" I asked.

"looks like your having a second kid"

"what!?!" I yelped.

"and its definitely yours this time" he grinned.

"that's amazing" I took off running "I've got to tell kokichi and shuichi about this"

"kaito wait" Hiro yelled but I wasn't listening. I was too excited to tell my family the good news.

Hiros pov

I sighed as he ran out the door.

"they always leave before I can tell them the most important part" I muttered in frustration "now he'll never know the danger that will befall his family"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now