The Final Class Trail

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Sayoris pov

We all took our places at the stands for the final time. This is it. If we can get though this the nightmare will finally be over. Oh god please let us get through this.

"so did anyone find anything?" talya asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"really? No one found anything!?" token said in a panicky voice.

"Well I found something that might be connected" I spoke up

"really? Wow sayori your awesome" akamaru praised me.

"please tell us what you found hanako" hinata said.

"Well I found this file about Tsmugi shirogami. It was out in the open so I assume it obviously hinting that the mastermind in question is Tsmugi" I said.

"but who is Tsmugi shirogami?" peako asked.

"she was the mastermind of the 53rd killing game. Her killing game was put to a stop by future Fondation so she was never executed"

"there were 53 killing games" talya muttered in disbelief.

"wow that's messed up!" polo yelped

"that's not all" I continued "these chain of killing game started with a woman named junko enoshima who made their own classmates slaughter each other in hopes peak"

"that sounds like us" peako muttered.

"hey do you think junkos the mastermind?" akamaru asked.

"no she executed herself at the end of their killing game" I said

"so who the heck could it be?" token yelled.

"I think that's obvious" I said confidently "the only surviving mastermind is Tsmugi shirogami!"

"and according to that file she holds a grudge against the survivors of the killing game" naoko said

"probably cause she didn't get to finish her game" peako muttered.

"you really think someone would hold a grudge for that long?" token said in disbelief.

"I do and I think she would also hold a grudge at future fondation for breaking up her beloved killing game" talya pointed out.

"the members of future Fondation and the survivors of the killing game were all our parents. Was this her sick way of getting revenge?" polo asked tearfully.

"it looks like it" akamaru glared at Monokuma.

"so Tsmugi are you going to come out of hiding!" I yelled.

"puhuhu puhuhu A HAHAHA"

smoke filled up the room at then she appeared.

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