Shot Through The Heart

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Kibas pov

"a body has been discovered!"

Instead of being wakened by those obnoxious bear I was instead awaken by Monokuma and that chilling message.

"please come to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience" the monitor switched off.

"oh look at that. Someone beat you to it" I heard Rai mutter.

"no" I shook my head "I don't believe it. There's no way someone would kill like that"

"oh please. Not everyone's as selfless as you" Rai said in an annoyed tone "clearly someone wanted out of here and they took another life to do it"

"your wrong!" I yelled "it's all a big lie and I'll prove it!" I jumped out of bed and ran down to the gymnasium as fast as I could only to be met with the bitter truth. For laying in a pool of her own blood was the body of temmy Hannamora.

The other students were already there staring at her body.

"so the body discovery announcement goes off whenever three or more people discover a body" Jim muttered "I suppose its there to give everyone a fair chance"

"fair! How is any of this fair!" I yelled with angery tears in my eyes "tammy didn't deserve to die!"

"kiba" kalya gently placed a hand on my shoulder "its ok-"

"it's not ok" I slapped her hand away "I was supposed to save everyone here. I failed you all" I clenched my fist as tears ran down my cheeks. I felt so angry with myself. I can't do anything right can I!

"kiba" kalya pulled me into a hug "none of this is your fault. None of us knew what was going to happen"

"yeah you not responsible for everyone in this room. Quit trying to act like the damn hero" jojo scolded me.

"poor kiba" himari said petting my head "you've always been such a sweet boy" I sighed feeling alot better after my friends kind words. Things felt somewhat peaceful until...

"hey kiddos Monokumas here with the Monokuma file!" that damn bear!

"what the hell do you mean file!?" I yelled.

"Monokuma said that one of us killed tammy and that we now have to do a class Trail" neku explained.

"and you believe that? He's obviously lying!"

"then how did tammy die genius?" jojo rolled his eyes.

"then the bear did it!" I pointed at him angrily

"me? How dare you make such a claim!" Monokuma waved his arms around angrily "now get to work already of I'll have you all executed" with that he stormed off with his little children following close behind.

"looks like we have no other choice. What a pain" jojo grumbled as he walked over to the body.

"wait for me jojo I'm scared!" himari ran after him.

Kayla gently gripped my hand "it's going to be ok kiba. We just gotta keep our heads held high" she smiled bravely before walking over to the body on shaky legs.

Everyone's working so hard. I can't be the only one standing around doing nothing!

"come on kiba. We don't want to end up dead" Rai muttered. I nodded determinedly and marched over to the body.

"soooo what have we got here?" I asked.

"she's got a puncher wound to the heart" Jim muttered "it looks like she's been shot. I have a clear suspect in mind but I feel like it would be too easy" I have no idea what he's talking about.


"hey look at this" anzu said picking up a knife "this looks like the murder weapon don't you think?"

"Umm I guess" I muttered though I felt like it wasn't right.


"interesting" rai muttered "purple haired boy thinks she was shot but yet the little Prince managed to find a knife next to the victim. Why don't you ask that little medic to give an autopsie"

"what's an autopsie?" I asked.

"it's when medics look into a body to find out how they died. God don't you know anything?"

"hey no need to be rude" I pouted.

"are you arguing with yourself?" miki asked nervously. Oh god she must think I'm a weirdo!

"oh yeah it's just a thing I do" I laughed awkwardly "I was just arguing over whether or not I should ask you to do an autopsie"

"ok I'll do that" she said still looking freaked out.

After a couple of minutes she pulled out a metal looking thing.

"what's that!" neko yelped.

"oh god I think I'm going to be sick!" juno said covering her mouth.

"it's a bullet. It was found in the centre of her heart" miki explained "by the looks of things she most likely died instantly"

"Well I guess that's a silver lining" I sighed.


"ALRIGHT BRATS I'M GETTING BORED" Monokuma came out of nowhere yelling at us "get your butt's to the class Trail!" with that he disappeared.

I clutched my chest. I don't want to do this but I had no choice. It's either that or death. For the sake of everyone here I just gotta do it!

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