A Night Of Passion

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Kokichis pov

"hey guys" I nervously approached my lovers.

Shuichi and kaito turned to me with a smile.

"what's up baby?"  kaito asked.

"I- um" what the hell! Its not like me to get this nervous!

Shuichi gently stroked my cheek "it's ok honey. Just take your time to tell us what you want to say"

I took a deep breath "Well I was thinking since I came out to you and we've been married for two years we could maybe do the love making stuff" my face went red as I said it. God I must look like a idiot!

"hell yeah" kaito yelled "I've wanted to screw you two for years now!"

"kaito! Don't be so vulgar!" shuichi yelled turning red.

"Well don't you wanna screw us?" kaito asked.

"Well... yes" he said turning red as a tomato.

"Well then if we're all in agreement to the bedroom we go!" kaito said picking me and shuichi up and carrying us down to the bedroom.

I only now realise what a mistake that was.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now