Who's My Real Daddy?

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Kokichis pov

I was working in the kitchen as usual when my daughter asked me a very awkward question.

"mommy who's my real daddy?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin. I mean I didn't expect to have this this conversation till she was in her teens. I guess she's smarter then I give her credit for!

"why do you ask that honey?" I asked.

"Well the teacher told us to talk about our families but when I talked about my family the other kids told me that you can't have two daddy's. So I was wondering who's my real father is"

"Well" I got down to her height "shuichi is your biological father but kaitos helped take care of you since you were a baby and loves you dearly. Don't you think that makes him your father too?"

"yeah your right mama" sayori said brightly.

I petted her hair "all families are different sayori and that's ok. As long as we love each other who cares if we're a little strange"

Sayori giggled adorably. She's such a smart girl. I sometimes forget she's still a child.

"hey guys we're home" kaito said loudly with shuichi close behind.

Sayori ran up and hugged kaito "I love you daddy. Even though your not my real daddy I still love you" with that she skipped off leaving a dumbfounded shuichi and kaito behind.

I laughed awkwardly "what can I say. She's growing up so fast"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now