Tragic Killer

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Sayoris pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. The trail this time round was confusing. How could a killing occur when we were all in groups? Dose that mean konnie is the killer? I guess we're going to find out!

"do we even need to talk about this? It's pretty clear that konnie is the killer!" marco yelled.

"that's not decided yet! We shouldn't leave any stone unturned" naoko insisted.

"she's right. we should talk about the victims cause of death" I said firmly.

"right the victims cause of death was drowning" naoko said grimly "the mark at the back of her neck suggests that she was held down in the water"

"that awful" peako sighed.

"yeah your real fucked up konnie!" marco growled.

"oh so you still think I'm the blackened?" konnie giggled "Well I don't mind you thinking that way. If anything it makes things more interesting"

"your unbelievable" akamaru glared at her.

Oh boy this is going to sound crazy "actually I believe her" I spoke up "I can prove she's innocent too"

"oh really how!?" marco glared at me. What's with the sudden hostility?

"konnie found this cloth in the bin. Could you tell everyone what's on that cloth"

"it's definitely chloroform I can confirm that for sure!" konnie said excitedly.

"it's kinda scary how sure you are of that" token sighed.

"ok so there's a cloth with chloroform on it. How the hell does that prove she's innocent?" marco yelled.

"we found him in a locker right? She was most likely knocked out or stuffed in there to take the blame for the murder" I said calmly.

"hold on a sec! How do you know that
chloroform wasn't used on hidori" polo spoke up "konnie could of just hide in the locker to hide her tracks!"

"if she wanted to hide her tracks then why would she burst out of the locker like that?" talya spoke up.

"that's true" naoko muttered "it's basically inviting people to suspect her"

"huh dose that mean I'm in the clear?" konnie asked.

"it would appear so" peako muttered.

"ok then who the fuck is it?" marco growled.

"it appears we don't have any other leads" peako sighed.

"no we do have a lead don't we nagisia?" naoko said smiling at me. I knew what she was talking about but why dose she have to pass it to me!?

"yeah our suspects are either marco or polo"

Everyone gasped.

"what the hell do you mean marco or polo!" marco growled.

"polo's been acting strange, almost violent since hidoris murder. Its lead me to believe that he knows something we don't!"

"so that's why you believe that one of them is responsible" akamaru muttered "I get where you're coming from but don't you think it's going a little far to say there the Killers just cause one of thems acting strange?"

"it's not just that" I said firmly "we were all placed in pairs. There's no way someone could have murdered without their partner knowing. So if marco murdered hidori then polo would definitely know about it and it would explain his jumpy behaviour!"

"oh so I'm the killer now!" marco glared "you don't have any proof!"

"actually looking back at how much you pushed the idea of konnie being the killer. That's pretty suspicious" token muttered. The others murmured in agreement.

"no please your wrong!" polo yelled "marco was with me the whole time. He didn't kill anyone!"

"can we really take your word for that?" talya asked.

"why were you so jumpy if it wasn't cause your bro killed someone?" konnie butt in.

"cause there was a dead body you dumb basturds!" polo yelled "anyone would freak out around a dead body!"

"polo your not acting like yourself" peako said looking conserned.

"of course I'm not acting like myself my brother is being accused of murder!" he was shaking at this point. It was like he was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"ok well if marco didn't kill anyone then our only suspect left is you" I said calmly "now shall we begin the vot-"

"wait!" marco cut in "you were right. I did it. I killed that poor girl"

"marco don't do this" polo whimpered

"i thought so" I smiled sadly at him "you'd be more likely to kill to protect polo wouldn't you marco?"

"yeah I'd do anything to protect my kid brother" marco muttered "now let's just start with the votes already!"

"no please don't do it" polo begged us but there was no other choice. I sighed and voted for marco.

"ding ding ding you got it right! The killer this time round was marco hagakure!" korokuma grinned.

Marco sighed "well I guess you guys hate me now. Not that I can blame you"

"why'd you do it" I feel like I asked that question a million times "was it really cause of the motive"

"duh its always the fucking motive" marco said with a weak chuckle "ever since I was placed in this killing game one thing scared me more than anything else. It was waking up one day to find that my brother had been murdered. That thought terrified me. So when monokuma said that the graduate could escape with one person I knew I had to take it even if it meant throwing away my humanity" he turned away from us "at least I'll never have to see my brother die. Can't say the same for you little brother. I'm sorry"

"no you can't leave me please!" polo said sobbing into his chest.

"shhh little brother I won't leave you. I'll watch over you as a gardein angel" marco said petting his head.

"I've prepared a very special punishment for the now ultimate solo act marco hagakure!" monokuma yelled.

"survive polo. Survive and get out of this hellhole no matter what!"

"let's give it everything we got iiiiiits punishment time!"

Marko was strapped to a metal table with a large magnifying glass held over him. A sign above him said.

Marcos punishment
Burning passion

The sun came out onto the magnifying glass causing a huge red dot to land on marcos stomach. Marcos face twisted in pain as the dot burnt his skin. Soon the heat got so intense that it roasted poor marco alive.

Polo fell to his knees shaking "it's ok" he murmured to himself "ill be with him soon" he pulled out a knife and pointed it to his throat!

"polo don't do it!" peako said quickly.

"but my brothers dead" he sobbed "I can't live without my other half!"

"I know it hurts polo but marco wouldn't want this" peako said gently "he wanted you to survive no matter what. Are you really going to ignore his final wish?"

Polo hands shook for a second then he threw the knife away and burst into tears. Peako quickly pulled him into a hug.

"it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair IT'S NOT FAIR!" he yelled over and over again as he clung to peako.

I simply watched them helplessly. If this isn't despair I don't know what is.

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