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Shuichis pov

One week later

It's been a week since Kokichis near miscarriage and he's finally been let out of hospital. Right now I was driving him home.

"thank god I'm out of that stuffy hospital" kokichi sighed "staying in there was legit torture!"

"Well as long as you and the baby are ok that's all that matters" kaito said firmly.

"yeah" kokichi rubbed his stomach with a gentle smile "now that I've gotten over the fear of it all I'm pretty excited for the baby coming"

"that's good hun" I smiled at him.

We arrived at the house and dispite Kokichis protest kaito carried him inside and placed him on the couch.

"guys I'm not sick anymore. You don't have to baby me" kokichi complained.

"don't be silly. Your carrying our child. We're going to baby you all the way through the pregnancy" kaito grinned.

"ahhhhh" kokichi threw himself onto the couch dramatically.

I chuckled at my husbands antics. I sat down and stroked his hair.

"cheer up baby. Its good to have your husbands look after you isn't it?"

"I guess but I like having my independence" kokichi whined.

"I know huh but you'll have plenty of time to be independent when the baby's born" I said pulling him into my chest.

"yeah for now just enjoy the pampering" kaito said running his fingers through his hair.

Kokichi let out a content sigh and snuggled into my chest. Me and kaito grinned at each other and continued to pamper kokichi.

After a while I felt Kokichis body got heavier. I looked down to see Kokichis adorable sleeping face.

"aww did he fall asleep?" kaito asked.

"yep" I said smiling down at my adorable husband.

He placed a hand on Kokichis stomach. "oh my gosh he's growing a bump already" kaito giggled adorably. Why are my husbands so damn cute!

"Well he's three months in so it's only natural that he'd grow a bump" I chuckled.

"man I can't believe that we're going to be dad's" kaito grinned "this still feels like a dream"

"in six months our baby will be here so that's six months to prepare ourselves for fatherhood" I muttered

"don't worry shuichi" kaito said wrapping an arm around me "we'll be awesome dad's I just know it!"

"I hope you're right" I said leaning into him.

The three of us held each other as thoughts of my unborn child filled my head.

I really hope I'm ready for this

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