Cuirse Around the World

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Kokichis pov

"alright everyone time to bored the boat!"

Today we're going on a cruise around the world. It was their last wish before they died. I still can't believe granny and gramps were going to die but for kaitos sake I've got to stay strong!

We picked out our cabin and unpacked our stuff. The cabins were only so big so we had to get two cabins. One for me, shuichi, kaito and the kids and another for granny and grandad.

Once the packing was done we went down to get something to eat.

"wow the foods alot better than I thought it would be" I said digging in.

"hey mommy where did kiba go" sayori asked. I looked around and sure enough our son was no where to be found.

"come to think of it grandpas not here either" kaito stood up looking worried.

"let's go look for them kaito" I said trying not to sound too worried. He nodded and we searched the boat for them.

We were about to give up when we heard giggling on the docks. We ran up to the docks to see kiba sitting on his great grandfather's shoulders watching dolphins jump up from the water.

"wow grandpa the dolphins are so pretty" kiba giggled.

"they sure are my boy" gramps grinned "there very intelligent too. Almost as smart as people"

"wow that's so cool" kiba gasped.

I heard sniffling behind me. I turned around to see kaito quietly crying. I took his hand with a gentle smile.

"come on honey. Let's leave them alone for now"

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