Finding Out

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Shuichis pov

Two months later

I've been worried about kokichi lately. He's been having strange mood swings, vomiting and even feinting spells! I tried taking him to the hospital but he absolutely refuses. I know he hates hospitals but this is redikulous!

I decided that since kokichi was being stubborn I'd find out what was wrong with him myself! I know looking up symptoms online is a bad idea but I don't have alot of options.

I typed up his symptoms and after scrolling through the articles that said he had cancer I found something I really should have thought of sooner.


Of course. All the symptoms match up. I need to talk to kokichi about this!

I ran up to Kokichi who was vomiting in the toilet.

"your pregnant aren't you" Kokichis head shot up at my words.

"how did you find out?" he asked.

"all your symptoms matched up with pregnancy" I replied.

"hehe. I should have known I couldn't hide it from Mr detective" he sighed.

"hold on did I hear that right? Is kokichi pregnant?" kaito appeared out of nowhere.

"yes he is" I sighed "why he decided to hide it I don't know"

"this is amazing" kaito smiled brightly "we're going to be dad's shuichi! We're gonna-"

"I'm getting rid of it" kokichi said wiping the smile off kaitos face and leaving me speakless.

"what" I gasped.

"you heard me" kokichi glared at us "I planned to get rid of it this whole time and I'm not changing my mind just cause you two found out"

"wait kokichi don't we get a say in this" kaito pleaded.

"no you don't!" kokichi yelled "it is my body and I deside want to do with it?"

"but kokichi it's our baby" kaito looked so sad as he said it. I could tell how much he wanted this.

"it's not a baby kaito it's a fetus. It's not alive and never will be" he said coldly.

"your a monster!" kaito growled "I can't believe I ever loved you!" he stormed off leaving me and kokichi alone in the bathroom.

"kokichi I-"

"don't touch me" kokichi slapped away my hand angrily "this is all your fault! You just had to say something didn't you!" he ran out of the bathroom in tears.

I sunk to the floor and burst into tears. Why did things have to end up this way?

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