Stray Cat

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Kokichis pov

I was walking home with two bags of shopping in my hands when I felt something furry rub against my legs. I looked down to see a black and white cat purring at my feet. My eyes lit up. It was so cute!

"hey little fella" I said scratching his chin. I looked around for a coller "do you have an owner?"

"no owner love" an elderly woman said "that cats always looking around my restaurant for scraps. She usually doesn't take too kindly to people"

"really?" I gasped "do you like me little girl?" the cat started nuzzling and licking at my stomach "huh? What are you doing?"

"no idea darling" the woman said "but they do say that animals know things we don't. Perhaps you should get your stomach check out"

"maybe I will. Anyway!" I picked up the cat "your coming home with me"

I carried her all the way home. Shuichi and kaito gave me bewildered looks as I walked through the door.

"Umm kokichi I'm pretty sure the shopping list didn't involve a cat" shuichi said trying to hide his smile.

"aww but she really likes me" I said nuzzling into her fur "so can we keep her as a pet?"

"aww I've always wanted a pet" kaito jumped around excitedly "can we keep it shuichi? Please please please!"

"I feel like the only adult here" shuichi sighed "fine we can keep her"

"yayyyy!" I cheered wrapping a cheakered neckerchief around her neck "I'm gonna call her suki"

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