Finding A Togami Hostage

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Naokos pov

I took polo down to the back room. Despite his amazing recovery rates I still wanted to keep an eye on him.

We were looking through the back room to see if we could find anything useful. We heard a bang and looked out to see talya, peako and akamaru getting taken away by some guys with guns.

"peak-" I quickly covered polo's mouth.

"no polo we can't help them if we get caught too" I whispered.

He nodded with tears in his eyes. I can't imagine how much how much this must hurt him.

"come on let's go" I ran out back with polo. We ran through a crowd and into an abandoned warehouse. I looked back and noticed that polo was no longer with me. Crap I must have lost him in the crowd!

Suddenly I heard laughter. I peaked over the boxes to she a blonde haired boy slightly younger than me glaring at the men who were holding weapons with big grins on their faces. Are they planning on torturing that boy? I have to put a stop to this!

I ran up to the fire alarm and rang it. The sound obviously startled the man and they ran off to check it out, giving me enough time to cut him loose and run.

"thanks for the help. Not that I really needed it" the blonde said brushing himself off.

"no problem" I would have preferred more gratitude but no matter "what's your name"

He looked up at me with a bored expression "my names kuya Togami. I'm sure it's a pleasure to meet me"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now