Smart Baby

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Kokichis pov

"who's daddy's little girl?" kaito said blowing raspberries onto sayoris face making her laugh delightedly.

The three of us had some time off work so we dedicated that time to spoiling our little girl. We were all on the couch doing our usual thing when sayori did something unexpected.

"baba I wove you mama"

We all lost our collective shit at that moment.

"sayori said her first words! And they were about me!" I said practically jumping with excitement.

"come on sweetie say I love you daddy" kaito begged.

"I wove you kai-chan" sayori giggled.

"Oh my gosh. So kawaii!" kaito gushed.

"aww so picking up my speech patterns" I giggled.

"what about me sayori?" shuichi asked shyly "do you love me?"

She reached out her chubby hands and petted shuichis hair "I wove you daddy!"

Shuichis eyes lit up "wow! She's a really fluent speaker"

"she sure is" I said smiling down proudly at my daughter "she's our clever girl!"

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