Bath Time!

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Kokichis pov

"come on baby girl it's bath time" I said carrying sayori to the bathtub.

We stripped down and got into the bathtub together. Sayori was too young to go into the bath alone so I always went in with her.

I held her close to my chest and gently washed her with a soft sponge. The bubbles from the bath flouted around the bathroom to sayoris delight.

"bubbles!" she giggled excitedly trying to catch them.

"That's right baby" I said kissing her nose "there pretty bubbles"

I wash her hair and mine gently and then rinsed it out with water. I made sure to cover sayoris eyes with my hand to avoid any soap getting in her eyes. She wiggled uncomfortably during the whole thing. I guess she doesn't like getting her hair washed!

Finally we got out. I wrapped myself in a towel and wrapped sayori in a hooded towel. We walked into the living room together only to be takled hugged by kaito.

"hello darlings! Did you enjoy your bath?" he said nuzzling into me.

"silly daddy" sayori scolded making kaitos heart melt a little.

"come on kaito at least let them change before snuggling then" shuichi chuckled.

"oh ok" kaito pouted as he let me go.

"see you around boys" I winked at them before running to our bedroom with sayori to change.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now