Confiding In Them

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Kokichis pov

"you got fired!?"

shuichi and kaito looked at me in disbelief. I felt ashamed of myself. I really can't do anything right.

"Mr Togami said that I can do more with my life than just making him coffee" I muttered.

"I suppose that's kind of him but he could have let you keep your job until you found a new one" shuichi sighed.

"that stuck up prick! I'm gonna kick his ass!" kaito yelled marching out the door.

"kaito no! You can't solve all our problems with violence" shuichi said wrapping his arm around kaito waist to stop him from cloppering my ex boss.

I felt tears weld up in my eyes. I just ended up causing trouble for everyone. Why oh why am I so useless!

"I'm sorry" I whimpered causing my two husbands to look at me "now things will be more problematic. I wish I wasn't such a burden"

"honey your not a burden" shuichi said pulling me into a hug.

"yeah your our beautiful, smart baby boy" kaito said also hugging me "we probably wouldn't even be together if it wasn't for you so your definitely not a burden"

"thanks guys" I said hugging them back tearfully. The three of us hugged each other in silence until...

"hmm I think we should get a takeaway to cheer ourselves up" shuichi smiling.

"yeah. KFC sound good kichi?" my eyes lit up excitedly as kaitos words. They know KFCs my favourite.

"yeah that shoulds good"

We sat at the TV eating KFC. I snuggled into my lovers arms happily. Telling them about this was much easier than I thought. Maybe I should come out to them.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now