Locked Room Motive

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Sayoris pov

The eight of us sat at the dining table laughing. Usually we don't get along like this but we were all thrilled about polo's recovery that we couldn't help but celebrate. Our happiness was soon put to an end when Monokuma face appeared in the monitor.

"hey guys a new area has opened up! Wanna check it out?" the monitor turned off.

"an new area? I thought the whole school was already available to us" peako muttered, holding polo protectively.

"it's could be a trap" token muttered.

"perhaps but we should still check it out" talya said. The others nodded in agreement. I don't know if I agree with this but I'll go along with it.

We made it to the new area which turned out to be the second floor of  dormitories. It looked completely fixed up though. It made me wonder what life would have been like if we just went to the school as normal students, not as kids fighting for their lives. What would that life be like?

We walked in but the doors immediately shut behind us. I pounding on the door but Monokuma popped up giggling.

"welcome to the next motive! You kids are trapped here without food or water so you better start killing before you starve to death!"


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