And The Mastermind Is...

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Sayoris pov

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Standing in front of me was Tsmugi shirogami. Her body was covered in burns and she had a demented look in her eyes.

"Congratulations children you got it right! Though I did make it totally obvious so you'd have to be pretty stupid to not catch on" she giggled.

"so your the crazy bitch behind our situation!" token yelled.

"indeed I am" she took a bow "it tore me up inside when I couldn't finish the killing game I worked so hard on. It was like a puzzle that you complete because the last piece was missing"

"how dare you compare my parents torment to a puzzle!" I glared at her.

"ahh sayori I'm so proud of how well you've done. You've made a wonderful protagonist" Tsmugi praised me "I've always had a soft spot for you. Especially when I nearly killed you when you were still in your mother's stomach"

"what!" I gasped.

"didn't your mother tell you dear?" she continued to smile at me "that's how I got all these burns"

My eyes widened. I do remember a story like that.


"sayori back when you were still in my stomach I was trapped in a burning building and during labour too. Your fathers rushed in to save me and then you were born. A pretty bittersweet moment if I do say so myself!"

"wow my daddy's are awesome!"

"they sure are hun"

End of flashback

I gave my father's all the credit that day but in truth my mother was incredibly brave. He had to deal with that monster while in labour and he still kept me safe. I gotta show my gratitude to him once I get out of here.

"yeah I was pretty pissed at them for distroying my plain face" Tsmugi said bitterly "so I was kinda hoping you'd die but oh well! At least you were good entertainment-"

"that's enough!" polo slammed his fist down angrily "I think it's about time you executed yourself. That's what you agreed to do right?"

"polo I think that's a little unnecess-"

"shut up!" polo cut akamaru off "she killed my brother. I want her dead!"

"he's absolutely right" Tsmugi giggled "it's time for the grand finally. The punishment!" she slammed her hand on the red button before any of us could stop her and she was dragged off with the same chain that took everyone else.

(cue the same execution as junko cause I'm lazy)

Polo stared at Tsmugis squished body in shock.

"what have I done" he turned to us with tears in his eyes "you must all think I'm a awful person don't you"

"no polo" peako stepped forward "that fact that you feel guilt over a monster like her shows what a kind person you are" he kissed his forehead. Polo nodded and clung to his chest sobbing.

I smiled at the six remaining survivors "alright guys let's go home"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now