Threatening Video

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Shuichis pov

I arrived home from a long day at work to see kaito and no kokichi?

"hey shuichi" kaito greeted me happily "is kokichi with you?"

"no I thought he was with you" I replied.

Kaito eyes widened "well he hasn't been here since I got back from work and sukis been going mad!" I turned around to see suki meowing anxiously. Its like she's trying to tell us something "damnit don't tell me he's run off to get shopping or something. He's too far into the pregnancy to be randomly leaving the house!"

"I know but it's impossible to tell kokichi what to do" I chuckled.

"yeah you can say that again" kaito sighed.

Our conversation was soon cut off by a ding from my phone. Someone was trying to facetime me? I opened it up to see...

"Tsmugi" me and kaito yelled at the same time.

"hello you two. So wonderful to see you again" she giggled.

"how. How did you get out of prison?" I asked shakingly.

"I have my ways" she said proudly "just like how I was able to track down where you live and take a certain something from you"

"what are you talking about?" I asked suddenly feeling very anxious.

She turned the camera around to show kokichi tied to a pole! He was conscious but he looked really out of it.

"aww bless the little darling. He's still recovering from the drugs I gave him" she giggled.

"you bitch" kaito yelled trembling with rage.

"careful what you say to me. I hold your unborn child's life in my hands. If I were to say harm kokichi or even just put him through alot of stress he could have a miscarriage and I'm sure that's not something you want" we froze. She's right. Everything depends on us not making her angry.

"please just tell us what you want" I said with tears in my eyes. I don't want to lose anyone else.

Her face turns serious "meet me at the werehouse where you killed maki. Bring kiibo and himiko too. I want the whole gang here!"

"damnit!" kaito began kicking things around in frustration.

I turned to him determinedly "come on kaito let's get our husband and child back!"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now