Waking Up In A Locker

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Kibas pov

I woke up in a dark place. I immediately felt fear in my stomach. Where am I? How did I get here? Am I in danger?  Am I still in hopes peak? All these questions ran through my head in a flash.

No I need to stay calm! I just need to push ahead and everything will be alright! I pushed against the door and fell on the cold hard floor.

"are you ok?" I looked up to see a white haired girl looking at me worriedly.

"I'm ok" I muttered feeling a little embarrassed.

"ok I'm kayla Ibadishi the ultimate assistance what's your name?"

"I'm kiba Saihara-ouma-Mamota the ultimate Parkorest!" I said shaking her hand. She looked at me in disbelief. Yeah that's the look I normally get when I say my last name but I'm proud of it so imma keep saying it!

Suddenly the monitor lit up showing the face of a black and white bear "alright children I what you to go around and introduce yourself to the other ultimates and then make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience" the monitor shut off.

"there's more ultimates here?" kayla said in disbelief.

I felt a little scared. Kayla noticed this and smiled reassuringly "don't worry kiba everything will be fine. It's going to be really fun meeting the other ultimates"

"ok if you say so" I muttered

Im still really scared but I can't let a girl know that so I forced a brave smile and walked out the classroom.

I walked out into the hallway and the first person I saw was..

"jojo!" I yelled excitedly.

"oh dear god your here too" the boy sighed. He's so moody! "oh well it could be worse. I could be stuck with-"

"my beloved jojo!" himari koizumi jumped out of nowhere and hugged jojo.

"dear god I really am in hell!" he muttered.

"so jojo what's your ultimate?" I asked.

"I'm the ultimate Animal trainer" he muttered.

"and I'm the ultimate jojos wife. Just kidding I'm the ultimate photographer" himari giggled.

"so do you join us? We're looking around the school!"

"no in fact I'm going to be rethinking all of my life desision that lead me to this point" with that he left.

"wait for me my love!" himari yelled running after him.

"those two sure are strange" kayla muttered.

"yeah there my best friend" I said brightly.

"I see. How nice" kayla smiled nervously.

We walked into the kitchen to find a simular looking boy and girl having an arm wressle.

"aww looks like you won sis" the boy sighed.

"Well they don't call me the ultimate upper body builder for nothing" the girl flashed a peace sign.

"hey there" I waved to get their attention.

"yo" the boy grinned "I'm neku nedai the ultimate lower body builder"

"and I'm neko the ultimate upper body builder" the girl gave me a thumbs up.

"whoe cool" I gasped "I'm a bit of an afliet myself. After all I'm the ultimate Parkorest"

"oh wow our mom dose parkore" neko grinned.

"you should come meet her sometime" neku chuckled.

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