New Job

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Kokichis pov

I was sitting in the living room bouncing sayori on my knees. She was two months old now and I can't get enough of my little girl. I feel like I'm really getting the hang of being a mom.

My thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door.

"should we answer the door sayori?" I asked my little girl.

"aba!" she replied cheerfully.

I opened the door to see fuyuhiko.

"hey kid" he looked at sayori giggling in my arms "I see you have a kid of your own. Congratulations"

"thank you" I nodded.

"soooo can I come in?" he asked.

"oh of course!" I said moving out of the way to let him in.

He took a seat opposite me "so your unemployed at the moment am I correct?"

"I have been for almost a year sir" I replied.

"shit!" he muttered "seems I'm late to the party"


He looked at me with a serious expression "kid working as a Yakusa boss is difficult to say the least. I could really use a second pair of hands. A second opinion you could say"

"what are you getting at sir?"

"kokichi" he held his hand out "I'd like to hire you as my right hand man. Would you be up for it?"

My eyes widened. I'm getting hired for work? Sure its work as a Yakusa but it's better then nothing!

"I'd love to sir" I said shaking his hand "when can I start?"

"next week" he grinned patting me on the shoulder "good to have you on the team kid"

"thank you so much for this sir. You have no idea how much this means to me"

"I have an idea" he chuckled "see you soon kid"


He left and I immediately spun around with sayori, making her giggle.

"i have a job baby" I said kissing her all over "I can finally help provide for the family. I'm so happy sayori. I can't wait to tell your daddy's the good news!"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now