Ultimate Parkorest Kiba Saihara-ouma-Mamota

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Kibas pov

Five years later

"and I stuck the landing!" I yelled as people cheered for me.

Who am I you may ask? Well my names Kiba Saihara-ouma-Mamota. Pretty long name I know but I do have three parents so long names comes with the teratory.

Anyway I absolutely love parkore. I love the rush I get from doing parkore in the streets and people love watching me so it's a win all around.

"kiba!" my big sister sayori ran up to me with a big smile on her face.

"what's up sis" I grinned at her.

She handed me a letter from hopes peak. Wait!

"holy crap did I get into hopes peak?" I said bouncing about excitedly.

"you sure did buddy!" dad put me on his shoulders while my mom and other dad cheered for me.

I felt like a hero. I felt like I was doing my family proud. That is until sayori pulled me away with a serious look on her face.

"kiba I got a bad feeling about all this. I feel like you could be in danger but I don't want to keep you from your dreams so take this" she handed me a walkie talkie "call me if anything bad happens and keep me updated on your situation" with that she walked off.

Well that was super criptic. I wonder what she meant by something bad happening?

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now