Visiting The Grandparents

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Kokichis pov

"alright guys we're nearly there" shuichi smiled at us.

Today we were driving over to visit kaito grandparents and spend what little time we have left with them.

Shuichi was driving since kaito was too upset to drive. Right now he was sitting in the back with the kids gripping his knees. I reached over and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

He looked up at me "thanks kokichi" he nodded greatfully.

We finally arrived at the farm. Kaito grandparents were waiting outside looking pale and sickly. They refused to have any cemo done as they didn't see the point in it.

Kaito immediately ran up and hugged them, sobbing heavily.

"there there love it's alright" grandma said rubbing his back.

"everything has to die eventually lad" grampa petted his head "we've life a long life so we'll die with no regrets" he looked up at us "why don't you kids come in?" we nodded and followed them inside.

We sat down at the kitchen table. Sayori and kiba nervously approached them.

"is there really nothing the doctors can do to save you" sayori asked with tears in her eyes.

"afraid not love" grandma said petting her hair "but it's alright dear. We're not afraid to die"

"but I don't want you to die" kiba burst into tears.

"aww come here lad" grampa picked kiba up and hugged him "you remind me so much of your father. Your going to grow up to be a fine young man"

Kaito bit his lip and started shaking. Me and shuichi squeezed his hands gently.

"so how long do you have left to live?" shuichi asked.

"hmm about three months" grampa muttered.

"but on the bright side make a wish fondation had given us a chance to do one last thing before we die" grandma said brightly "so we decided on a cruise around the world. Would you kids be interested in coming?"

"a cruise around the world huh?" I muttered with a small smile "sounds fun. Count us in!"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now