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Kokichis pov

I woke up to the sound of meowing. Not just one meow either. It sounds like there were several cats in my house!

Curious I walked down to the kitchen to find my cat suki nursing six kittens! I was shocked. I didn't even know she was pregnant!

"guys you've gotta come see this!" I yelled.

Kaito, shuichi and sayori came down looking just as shocked as I was.

"holy crap kittens!" kaito yelled excitedly.

"I knew we should have got her neturded" shuichi sighed.

"their so cute" sayoris eyes lit up "mommy can we keep them?"

"mmm maybe we can keep one or two sweetie but we can't keep them all" I said gently.

"ok" she muttered.

I bent down and stroked the back of her head "you did good suki. Now we're both mom's!"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now