Friends In Odd Places

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Sayoris pov

I woke up in a dark place. I pushed at the hard surface with one hand to discover that I was in a locker in a empty classroom.

I was about to explore when I heard something rattling behind me. I jumped in surprise and turned around to see the locker next to mine moving.

"I see" I muttered to myself "no need to panic. There's just another person in the locker"

The locker door burst open and out fell...


The small boy looked up at me "sayori! So your in this mess too"

"sure am" I muttered "I was on my way to hopes peak when I was gased and taken here"

"same thing happened when me" token said standing up and brushing himself off "maybe some rich freaks are trying to own a collection of ultimates"

"that could be the case" I pondered "perhaps we should explore our prison"

"agreed" he nodded.

"by the way what's your ultimate?" I asked, just now realising that I never asked it.

"I'm the ultimate writer" he sighed "let me guess. Your the ultimate detective aren't you?"

"yes I am" I nodded.

"I knew it" he chuckled "honestly I can't imagine you being anything else. Heck when we were kids you were reading sherlock homes books"

"Well they were good books" I smiled at the memory.

"ah so you two are here as well" we looked up to see...


"so your here too" token raised an eyebrow.

"yes I am the ultimate swordsmen" he nodded.

"I am here too feinds" karai popped her head out from behind the wall "you didn't see me of course for I am karai tanaka the ultimate Ninja!"

"is everyone I know an ultimate!" token yelled.

"it appears so" I chuckled "come on token let's go explore this place"

"me and karai will explore the other half of the school" peako muttered "it would be more sensible to split up to cover more ground"

"right" I nodded "come on token" token nodded and we left together.

We walked into the dinning hall to find a brown haired boy stuffing his face full of food.

"Umm excuse me but could you introduce yourself?"

The boy continued eating.

"hey fatty stop stuffing your face and answer us!" token yelled. I let out a sigh. He can be so unnecessarily rude sometimes!

"oh sorry about that!" he said wiping the crumbs away from his mouth "my names akamaru nedai. I'm the ultimate personal trainer and also I'm not fat. I make sure that my Body's in good shape no matter how much I eat" he patted his flat stomach.

"there's no need to show off" token said turning red.

"hey there akamaru I'm sayori and this is token" I introduced us "do you have any idea where we are?"

"no can't say I do" he muttered "I woke in a locker next to that guy" he pointed to a guy with spiky light brown hair boy "and once we found the dining hall I started stuffing my face. I'm a nervous eater you know"

"that's your excuse?" token rolled his eyes.

"Well it was nice to meet you akamaru we're going to introduce ourselves to the other guy" I said dragging token away before he could say anything else insulting.

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