Kaitos Return

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Kaitos pov

Three years later

I took my first step on planet earth after two years feeling happy that I'd get to see my friends and more importantly my husbands and daughter again.

I saw kokichi and shuichi and scooped them both into a hug "kichi! Shuichi! Babys I miss you!"

"I miss you too kaito" kokichi giggled.

"it's such a relief to see you back safely" shuichi said tearfully

I heard small whimpering. I looked down to see sayori in a nasa t-shirt looking up at us nervously. She was so big now and her navy hair now reached her shoulders. She was holding the same toy I gave her when I left.

"hey sayori" I took a step forward. She hid behind shuichi nervously.

"sayori honey it's ok" shuichi said gently "it's just daddy"

"yeah say hello to daddy" kokichi said encouragingly.

"mmm hello" she said hiding her face behind her toy.

"hey sweetheart" I said getting down to her height "I missed you so much but I saw some really cool things up in space. Would you like to hear about it?"

"yeah" she smiled sweetly.

We walked to the car and drove home as a family.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now