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Sayoris pov

We went down to an iron locked door. I pulled out the key aiyo gave me and opened the door. Waiting inside were several adults and children. I scanned the area until I spotted...

"mom! Dad's! Kiba!" I tackle hugged them with tears in my eyes. After everything I've went through it felt nice to hold them again.

"oh sweetheart thank goodness your safe" mom hugged me close. Dad, kaito and kiba pulled me into a group hug.

"dad!" talya and kuya pulled Byakuya into a hug. He awkwardly hugged them back.

"mom big bro is dead" anzu sobbed into his mother's arms.

"I see" a blonde haired woman held him close "don't cry my dear. Amis smiling down in heaven and he doesn't want to see you sad"

"ok" anzu wiped his tears away.

"naoko your ok!" mokoto ran up and hugged his daughter. Kyoko and a violet haired boy smiled at them.

"mom dad I'm sorry about what happened to marco" polo said with tears in his eyes.

"it's ok honey. You did your very best in a difficult situation and I'm so proud of you for that" Aoi said hugging him close. Hiro awkwardly pet his head.

Peako happily hugged his parents and little brother while token stood around awkwardly.

"token" toko stood up suddenly "I u-understand that your s-scared of me. I've b-been a bad mom"

"toko" komaru said softly.

"I j-just want you to k-know that I'm s-sorry and I l-love you"

Token started to tear up "mommy!" he dived into her chest and the two of them cried together.

I smiled slightly. Maybe things will finally be ok.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now