Another Death

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Sayoris pov

We been stuck in this dormitory for three days and everyone's starving. We looked everywhere and couldn't find a single exit. Seems we really have to kill to escape but no one would do that right? After all that would break our promise.

Suddenly I heard a loud bang. Strange I thought everyone was too drained of energy to move what are they doing making loud bangs? I sighed and got up to check it out.

I opened the door which I barely had had any strength to do and discovered that the loud bang was a dumbbell and it had fallen on the head of konnie!

"a body has been discovered!"

I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Sure I was never too fond of konnie and her strange ways but she definitely didn't deserve to die in such an awful way!

Naoko was already inspecting the body. "she was definitely killed by the surujin."

"what's a surujin?" I asked

"it's a weapon. You tie a strong piece of rope to a weight and throw it at your intended victim. A blow to the head from that thing can be fatal"

"ah I see" something about that rope is strange though.


I inspected the rope and noticed that the end was cut. That strange, you wouldn't need to cut the rope if you were using it as a throwing weapon.


I noticed something hanging from the ceiling. I looked up and saw a piece of rope tied to a hook. This just keeps getting stranger!


"sayori" talya tapped me on the shoulder "it's time for the trail"

I nodded "okay I'll catch up with you in a minute" she nodded and left. I stared down at konnies lifeless corpes.

"I'll find out who killed you konnie I promise" I said a small prayer and followed the others to the trail room.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now