A Killing Game?

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Sayoris pov

While I was pondering on our situation the monitor in the hallway lit up revealing the face of a black and white bear. Is this some kind of joke?

"alright students I think I've given you enough time to get to know each other. Kindly make your way to the gymnasium so that we can move on to the main event!" the monitor switched off.

"the gymnasium? Where the heck even is that?" token scratched his head in confusion.

I walked over to the wall that displayed a map of hopes peak "this should be a map of hopes peak" I trailed my finger over it until I reached the gymnasium "this should be where the gymnasium is. Seems like we're pretty close"

"wow how convenient" token sighed.

"it should be just down the hall. Come along token" I said. He nodded and we walked to the gymnasium together.

We arrived at the gymnasium and waited for everyone else. Once the last person arrived we heard a strange laughter.

"puhuhu it seems you've all arrived. Wonderful! Then let's begin" we looked up to see the black and white bear from before grinning at us.

"this has got to be some sick joke" token muttered.

"bear creature. Where is your puppeteer hiding" karai demanded. She right. Someone has to be controlling that thing from afar. The true mastermind.

"oh don't worry about that!" he shrugged it off "all you need to know is that you it that I'm Monokuma your headmaster and that we're going to participate in a fun little thing known as the killing game!"

We all gasped. A killing game? There hasn't been a killing game in 15 years! Why are we being forced into one now!

"now I'm sure you all know the rules to this little game so I won't waste your time with them. Just remember that once you kill and get away with it you can leave scott free-"

"no!" hidori cut him off.

"eh? Do you have a problem young lady?" Monokuma asked.

"what are you talking about stupid!" she yelled "killing others? There's no way I'd do anything so scary! Not even to any of the boys!"

"what's that supposed to mean?" akamaru raised an eyebrow.

"hmm very interesting" Monokuma muttered "claiming your not going to take part in the killing game. Those words remind me of a blonde protagonist. Oh how I miss her" I have no idea who he's talking about!

"anyway you kids are stuck in here so you're only choice is to rot in this school or kill. I can wait to see what choices you make" with that he disappeared.

"we're really trapped in this school" token muttered hugging hugging himself.

"waaaaaa I don't want to be in a killing game" hidori sobbed

"don't cry yet pityful mortals for all hope is not lost yet!" karai grinned to herself.

"what are you talking about pretty lady?" mibuki asked.

"if a rabbits hole gets blocked off by an avalanche what does it do?" karai asked.

"I'm not sure karai" I muttered.

"it simply digs a new hole and thus doesn't starve to death in a hole it dug. Adapting to an unfermillier threat. That is the key to survival!" she broke into crazy laughter.

"what the hell are you talking about you weirdo" marco growled.

"isn't it obvious feind" she replied "we will act as the rabbit and dig our own way out of this prison!"

"the way your talking is batshit crazy but I kinda like it" marco grinned "alright everyone let's find a way out of this crappy school! Screw what that bear told us!" the others cheered and followed marco out the door.

I smiled to myself. It seems everyone's found a bit of hope.

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