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Kokichis pov

I nervously gripped my knees as I sat in the hospital waiting room. Dice keep nuzzling my stomach so I figured there must be something wrong with me so here I am!

I came alone without telling my husbands since I didn't want to worry them. It would have like some company though cause hospitals make me really nervous. I don't know why but I've always felt a sense of dread when I step into a hospital.

"Mr saihara-ouma-Momota?" the nurse said looking confused by my long ass last name.

"coming!" I said following her into the check up room.

"now what seems to be the problem love?" the nurse asked kindly.

"Well this is going to sound silly but my cat has been around my stomach alot so I figured there's something wrong with me" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Well animals can sense things we can't so it's not too farfetched" she smiled at me.

*a few tests later*

"Well all your tests have come up clear" she muttered.

"so I'm good" I said hopefully.

"Well there could be one more thing wrong with you" she said looking through a chart filled with my personal info.

"what's that?" I asked.

"Well it says here your a trans male correct?"

"yeah" I sighed. I hate when doctors bring that up.

"and judging by your last name you have a husband"

"two actually" I said proudly.

"ok now I know this question might be a bit embarrassing but could you tell me the last time you had sexsual intercourse with your husbands"

"Umm about three weeks ago" I muttered turning bright red. I really didn't expect that question!

"ok" she muttered pulling out a needle. "I'm going to need to take a blood sample"

I nodded and held out my arm. She took the blood sample and left. She came back a couple of minutes later with a smile on her face.

"Congratulations love your pregnant!"

"I'm what!"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now