Confronting The Mastermind

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Shuichis pov

We drove to the werehouse in kaitos truck. I was too nervous to drive so I had kaito drive us. I also called toko and the other future fondation members to back us up. Hopefully they'll be here soon.

"I can't believe she kidnapped kokichi and him pregnant too!" kiibo muttered.

"she's got no morality" himiko said angrily.

I didn't say anything. I was really worried about kokichi and the baby. I hope tsmugis treating them well.

We arrived at the werehouse and ran in. Tsmugi was waiting for us with a demented smile.

"welcome back dear classmates. Its been too long!"

"cut the crap" kaito yelled "tell us where kokichi is-" he was cut by four guys in Monokuma heads grabbing us and tied us to chairs.

"aren't they lovely" she giggled "their my minions of Dispair and their willing to die for me which makes this plan of mine alot easier"

"what plan?" himiko asked nervously.

"this one" she said as her men poured gasoline all over the werehouse. "I'm going to light the whole werehouse on fire and kill you all once and for all"

"huhhhh!" we all yelled.

"ahh my killing game will finally be complete" Tsmugi giggled "now the 53rd killing game will end in a burst of flames!" she dropped a match on the floor, lighting everything on fire.

"ahhhhhhhhh" a scream came from the other room.

"that's kokichi" I gasped.

"oh yes he went into labour about two hours ago" Tsmugi said calmly.


"you should have seen how he begged me to take him to a hospital. His look of desperation was delightful to watch"

"you bitch!" kaito yelled.

"don't worry so much" Tsmugi said with a bored look on her face "the killing game ends with two survivors so I'll spare Kokichis life while the rest of you die"

"that isn't fair!" kiibo argued.

"although" Tsmugi paused thoughtfully "after the baby is born that will leave three survivors but I could always kill it after Kokichis givin birth"

"no!" I said in a broken voice.

"or I could kill kokichi and raise the baby as a mastermind for future killing games. The possibilities are endless!" she burst into histerical laughter. She kept laughing until the roof collapsed in on her.

"we got here as soon as we could" kyoko burst in along with toko, kazuichi and all the other members of future Fondation. They untied us and we stared at the door.

"we need to get kokichi out!"

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