Shuichis Insacuries

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Kokichis pov

"how to be a good dad step one"

I could hear murmuring coming from the bedroom. Out of curiosity I peaked in to see shuichi bent over reading a book on how to be a good dad.

I had to cover my mouth to stop myself for laughing. This is such a shuichi thing to do!

I hugged him from behind making him jump "what you doing shuma?"

"oh kokichi" he smiled at me "I guess I've just been nervous about the whole being a dad thing so I'm reading up on it"

"babe I'm only three months in" I chuckled "you don't have to worry about that stuff yet"

"I know that but I can't help but worry. I want to be the best I can be" shuichi sighed.

I put my hands on my hips "right then" I snatched the book out of his hands.

"Ah! Kokichi!" shuichi yelped.

"come and get me detective!" I yelled as I ran off with his book.

"kokichi come back!" shuichi ran after me.

We kept running until kaito grabbed me.

"kaitoooo" I whined.

"don't you kaito me mister. You shouldn't be running while you're pregnant!" kaito scolded.

"but I had to get this stupid book away from shuma" I said giving him the book.

"hmm" he looked at the book and with one shift motion he threw the book in the bin.

"kaito!" shuichi gasped.

"now listen here sidekick" kaito grabbed shuichi by his shoulders "you don't need some fancy book to tell you how to be a dad. Your going to be a great dad cause you've got the heart for it so don't panic. Your not alone in this"

"yep we're all in this together" I grinned.

Shuichi teared up and hugged us "thank you. You right we are in this together and as long as we're together we can get though anything"

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