Teething And Starting Food

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Kaitos pov


"shhhh sweetheart I know it hurts but you'll be okay" I muttered bouncing her on my hip.

"hey what's going on kai-chan" kokichi ask, just returning from work with shuichi.

"our little girl just started teathing and she's in a lot of pain" I explained.

"I see" shuichi muttered "poor baby. I can't imagine how much pain she's in

kokichi walked up to me "Hand him over!" he demanded.

I handed sayori to him. He immediately walked up to the fridge and took out a ice cube. He smashed it into tiny pieces and and placed it in sayoris mouth. She slowly calmed down.

"wow kichi your a genius" I said wrapping my arms around him, super relieved that sayori stopped crying.

"it's just basic knowledge momo-chan ice is good at healing swollen gums" kokichi gloted "I can't believe you didn't think of it sooner but I guess that's asking too much from a idiot like you"


"hey guys" shuichi spoke up.

"what's up shuma?" kokichi asked

"since sayoris growing teeth do you think we should start him on food?"

"Hmm that would seem like the logical step" kokichi muttered

"great! Then I'll start looking up baby food ingredients!"I yelled looking through the kitchen.

"kaito at least let me look up ingredients first!" shuichi said firmly.

"sorry babe" I scratched the back of my head awkwardly "I guess I got a little excited"

"it's fine just let me look it up" shuichi giggled as he pulled his phone out "ok turns out it's best to start a baby off with massed up fruit or vegetables"

"I cut up some strawberries for her!" kokichi said handing me sayori.

Shuichi pulled out the highchair we just bought and I put sayori in. Sayori was fascinated by the contraption she was put in and kept banging her hands on the table. Once kokichi put the food on the table she started playing with it. Then she placed a piece of strawberry in her mouth and gave a satisfied grin. I kissed her on the nose.

"your my cute little girl" sayori babbled away as she ran her sticky hands through my hair. I'm going to need to wash it later!

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