The Mysteries Of The School

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Kibas pov

"kiba I think it would be best if I took over" Rai muttered.

"I want to do things myself this time. I can't keep relaying on you Rai" I insisted "I have you in my head anyway so there's no need to worry"

"very well. At least check out the library though. I have a feeling something of the value can be found there"

"ok" I nodded as I walked to the library.

Once I entered the library I immediately noticed something was up. I walked over to the bookshelves to what looked like a doorframe!

"this must be where the Masterminds been doing their dirty work" Rai muttered "shame we can't get inside"


"alright kiba start searching the bookcase" Rai ordered.

"jezz this is going to take a while" I sighed. Oh well no use complaining about it. I just gotta get stuck in!

*time skip*

"ah I think I found something useful" I yelled out.

"you don't have to yell" Rai muttered "we're the only ones here"

"oh yeah sorry" I chuckled nervously "anyway I think this is our student profiles. I wonder what's inside" I flicked through the pages and gasped "wait a minute who is-"

I was cut off by Monokumas monitor going off "alright worms get to the trail grounds. Time to end this once and for all" the monitor turned off.

"your damn right it is" I glared at the monitor "Rai are you ready?"

"born ready" he said seriously.

"all right" I grinned confidently "let's go kick the Masterminds butt!"

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