Monokumas Strange Request

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Sayoris pov

I woke up with a start after going through an awful nightmare! I really wish this was all over and I could go back to my family but I guess that's just wishful thinking.

My thoughts were cut off by Monokumas voice "alright kids get up and go to the gymnasium I have an important announcement!"

He's never woke us up with that announcement before. I wonder what he wants to talk about?

I made my way to the gymnasium where everyone was waiting for me. It was scary to see how small our group has gotten. Feels like it could be my turn soon.

Suddenly Monokuma popped up with a grin on his face.

"guess what? I was inspired by konnies great sacrifice so I've decided that we'll do one final trail! If you can figure out my identity then you win but if you don't then I get to execute you all! Ok? Good! Then let's get this ball rolling!" with that he vanished.

We stood there in shock. One final Trail and it will all be over. I can't fail now!

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now