Grieving Together

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Kaitos pov

"Well the will just came in. It seems the gave their entire fortune to us" shuichi said reading out my grandparents will.

I simply nodded glumly. I was still getting over my grandparents deaths. They were the people who took care of me my whole life. I'd give up all the money in the world to bring them back.

Kokichi patted my shoulder "kaito sayoris been very quiet since granny and grandads death and she's been spending all her time staring off into space. I think she's depressed. Do you think you could talk to her?"

"course I can honey" I force a reassuring smile on my face and went outside where sayori was sitting.

"hey honey" I said taking a seat next to her "your mother told me that your feeling sad. You wanna talk about it?"

She sighed "I just miss them. That's all"

"aww darling so do I" I said pulling her into a hug "but we can't stay down in the dumps forever. We've gotta do our best to smile and be happy cause that's what they'd want us to do."

"your right" she said smiling with tears in her eyes "now you smile daddy"

I nodded and smiled down at my little girl. I hugged her close and she snuggled into my chest.

That's right. Life doesn't stop just cause the ones you love died. I may have lost my grandparents but I still have my husbands and kids. I've gotta keep going.

Cause that's why they'd want me to do.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now