Memory Motive

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Kibas pov

We arrived at the gymnasium with sour looks on our faces. We were having a good time and that jerk just had to ruin it!

"that dose seem to be what he best at" Rai muttered.

"yeah no kidding" I growled.

"alright kiddies settle down I have a wonderful new motive cooked up for you" Monokuma said gleefully "do you guys remember when I told you about your stolen memories?"

Oh yeah I remember.


I flipped through the first few pages and gasped. The pictures showed all of us in hopes peak uniforms. We all looked so happy. But I don't understand. We never received hopes peak uniforms. We never even stepped inside hopes peak so how were these pictures taken?!

"pretty confusing huh" Monokuma giggled "it seems like there's some memories you don't remember. Could it be cause I stole them"

"cut the bullshit!" jakku yelled "you can't steal memories!"

"oh but I can and I did" Monokuma snatched the book out of my hands "I think you've seen enough. If you want to know more about your missing memories then I suggest you start killing!" with that he and the monokubs vanished.

*end of flashback*

"yeah what about it?" I asked.

"Well since I'm such a nice guy I decided to give you back a part of your memory" he pulled out what looked to be a flashlight "this handy gadget will help waken up your memory! Ok here we go!"

The last thing I saw was a blinding light before the world stopped making sense.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now