The Secret Motive

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Sayoris pov

We all ran to the gymnasium with our hearts pounding in our chests. Another motive? What will it be? Will another killing happen? God I can't take the tension!

We finally arrived at the gym to find monokuma grinning like a she-cat.

"alright you overgrown sex toy" hidori said as crudely as ever "tell us what the heck kinda motive you got cooked up!"

"I glad you asked" monokuma took his hand from behind his back to reveal several notes each with our names on it. "do you know what theses are? There embarrassing secrets that I can reveal at the drop of a hat! Here I'll let you each read your secret.

He handed each of us our note. I read what was on my note.

"sayori has a mother with dissociative identity disorder"

I sweated nervously. I had only told token about that. I hadn't even spilled the beans to peako or karai how am I going to explain this! Everyone else had a similar reaction.

"oh the horror! I can't imagine anything worse than having your deepest darkest secrets revealed! So if you want to avoid that I suggest you kids start killing before the twenty-four hour time limit is up" with that monokuma vanished.

"I have an idea everyone" konnie spoke confidently "how about we all share our secrets right now so that the motive for killing disappears"

"great idea konnie" I said surprised by the bravery of the request.

"thank you! Now I'll go first. My secret is that -"

"shut up!" token yelled angrily

"excuse me!"

"I d-don't want to h-hear you s-stupit s-secret and h-how dare you m-make such a s-stupit request I-I'm not t-telling you a-anything!" the other students murmured in agreement.

"Well I suppose there no why to force anyone to do it" naoko sighed "we'll just have to wait till tomorrow and hope no one gets too desperate" and with those chilling words she left.

I left too hoping this motive doesn't escalate into anything.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now