Blood Means Nothing!

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Kibas pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. I understand that everyone was desperate to get out but neko was a good person and killing her like that was just... Wrong! I'll find her killer and avenge her death!

"alright Rai do your thing" I muttered before passing out.

Rais pov

"ok so it's pretty clear that neko was stabbed to death" jim muttered "I checked her body and she was stabbed twenty-seven times in the chest"

"and judging by the depth of the wounds I think it's safe to say that she was killed with a kitchen knife" miki said tearfully.

"damn. Whoever killed her must have been harbouring quite the grudge" Joseph muttered.

"she must have been attacked in the kitchen before she even had the chance to fight back" himari sighed.

"no I don't believe that's the case" I muttered.

"eh? It wasn't?" himari gasped.

"no. I have a tesamoni from juno that she heard screaming and the door was locked. We can assume from that that the murder was both premeditated and she had time to fight her attacker"

"wait how do we know that juno didn't make that up?" Joseph said accusingly.

"no way dude she's telling the truth. I was there with her" anzu yelled.

"I was there too" miki muttered.

"with two witnesses there I doubt that this could have made up" Jim muttered.

"fair enough" Joseph sighed.

Everyone was silent for a bit.

"so how are we supposed to find the masked killer?" willow asked.

A masked killer? The more I think about it the more it doesn't make sense.

"oh I bet it was sparkling justice!" anzu yelled "I've been studying him for years along with other serial killers and that mask definitely belongs to him!"

"you seem to know a little too much about serial killers anzu" juno said looking desturbed.

"is it really weird to be fascinated by the minds of serial killers?"


"I doubt it" I sighed "I searched the sparkling justice article and sparkling justice was originally from Spain. There's a low chance of him being here"

"oh geez I totally overlooked that" anzu laugh awkwardly.

"ok then who's the masked killer?" kalya asked.

I sighed "guys I don't think there was ever a masked killer"

Everyone gasped.

"what do you mean there was never a masked killer?" kalya said in disbelief.

"think about it. Niko was a strong guy, there's no way any one of us could come away from a fight with him without a scratch. Which means the killer would have to be someone with several inj-" I stopped. The conclusion hit me like a ton of bricks.

Neku nodded with a smile as if he was saying its ok. Like he's accepted his fate.

"Neku you lied to me didn't you? You were the one who killed your sister"

He chuckled sadly "I knew you'd figured it out rai! Your so good at these things"

"alright kids it's voting time! Time for you to pick the blackened!"

We picked neku and got it right.

"the hells wrong with you!" anzu yelled in the boys face "she was your sister. How could you kill your own sister!"

He looked down "when Monokuma gave us the memory motive I remembered all the awful things she done to me. She joined in on name calling, throwing stuff at me and sending me death threats just so she could stay popular with the other girls"

"that's fucked" Joseph muttered.

"I confronted her about it last night. I just wanted to talk things out but she freaked out thinking I was going to kill her. She started hitting me. I thought about all the shit that she did and I got angry. I grabbed the nearest knife and stabbed her. All I could see was red and when everything came back she was laying dead at my feet.

"oh my god" himari covered her mouth in shock.

"I can't believe I did that to my own sister" he gripped his hair with tears in his eyes "What have I done! What would big bro think of me now?"

"Well no need to worry now. You'll be joining her soon" Monokuma chuckled darkly "let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiiits punishment Time!"

Neku had his body strapped to a workout deck. The only thing freed were his arms.

Neku nedais punishment
Skipping arm day!

Monokuma showed up and placed a large dumbbell in in his arms. He was forced to hold it up. Monokuma kept adding more and more weight to the dumbbell until the weight became too much for the boy and he dropped it. Resulting in the weight crushing him.

I sighed. What a waste of life. At least kiba wasn't around to see this.

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