First Birthday

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Kokichis pov

Today was sayoris first birthday. Me, kaito and shuichi decided that since she's a baby and probably won't remember it we wouldn't go all out. We'd just have a small party and invite a couple of close friends.

We hung up the decorations and placed the cake in the centre of the table. Sayori jumped up and down excitedly. "party! party!" she yelled.

"yes that's right baby it's your birthday party" I said hugging her. Just then there was a knock on the door. I picked sayori up and we answered the door.

"hello! Uncle Kazuichis here to wish you a happy birthday!" kazuichi said tinkling the small boy. Gundam stood beside him with a present in his hands.

"hello purple one. we bought a present for the child"

I giggled "thank you both for the present. Now come on in."

We waited a couple of minutes then there was another knock on the door. I opened it to see kiibo with himiko? And their holding hands? Wait!

"are you two together?" I asked trying to hold back my excitement.

"yes sorry if that's strange" kiibo muttered.

"ahh I'm so happy for you!" I pulled them into a hug and jumped up and down excitedly.

Himiko smiled at me "thanks kokichi"

"your welcome" I grinned "now come inside!"

"I'm sure I will" she walked in and as soon as she did fuyuhiko and peko ran up to the door.

"shit sorry we're late! We got caught up in a turf war."

"do I even want to know?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"no you don't!" he handed me two presents. "here some gifts for the kid" with that they walked in.

A couple of other guests like toko, komaru, Byakuya, nagito, hajime, mahiru hiro, hina, mokoto and kyoko showed up. We sat at the table and held sayori up to blow out the candle. Once she did we ate the cake and then sat sayori down in the living room to open her presents.

"do you need mama's help to open the presents baby?" I asked.

"no I do it!" sayori said determinedly. I ruffled her hair and sat in between shuichi and kaito.

She opened the first present from kazuichi and gundam . It was a red tanouki. She hugged it and giggled. Next he opened kiibo and himikos present. It was a complete magic set!

"guys this is sweet but kokichis too young to play this" shuichi gently explained.

"then I'll just have to teach him" himiko said determinedly.

"it doesn't matter if you teach him he's too young to understand!" I said firmly.

"nothings impossible with a little fighting spirit!" himiko yelled.

"agh now you sound like kaito!"

"ohh bang bang"

Wait bang bang?

I turned around to see sayori holding a gun!

"ahh he's got a gun!" shuichi yelled clinging to kaito.

"calm you tits it's not a real gun!" fuyuhiko growled "it's a nerf gun. I bought it for him so he could learn to operate one early on."

"I don't think sayori will ever need to know how to operate a gun!" shuichi argued "At least I hope she won't!"

"let us drop this decussion!" peko said calmly. "there is still one more present left."

"oh yeah the one you bought him" fuyuhiko said smiling at peko "go on kid open it!"

She nodded and opened it. She pulled a toy sword out of the box.

"why are you all giving my child weapons!" shuichi yelled.

We all laughed while shuichi had a mental breakdown over the whole thing!

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