Help Me Find The Killer!

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Rais pov

I stretched my arms as I got used to the feeling of my news. I couldn't help it. I was still getting used to the feeling of having a body. It was only my second time.

I let out a sigh. Alright time to solve the mystery. It seems to be the only thing I'm good for.

I walked into the gymnasium. Joseph, Jim and the hyper one came running up to me.

"kiba your back!" the hyper one said.

"not kiba. Rai" I muttered.

"right. Still getting used to that" Joseph sighed.

"do you have any information on the body?" I asked.

"the victim was jakku kuzuryu" Jim muttered.

"Well I could think of worse people we could have lost" the hyper one muttered.

"anzu don't say that" Joseph scolded.

"anyway the victims cause of death was... hear let me show you" he led me to the body.

The white haired girl grabbed me by the arm "whether your kiba or rai doesn't matter. I'm just glad you're here" she smiled brightly at me "your both a big inspiration to me"

"right your welcome" I muttered as my cheeks tinked pink.

"ohhh looks like someone embarrassed" I heard kibas voice teasing me.

"shut up" I muttered as my cheeks turned red "your the one who has a crush on her"

"w-what! I do not" I could hear how flustered he was. I smirked to myself. No one gets the best of me!

"this way" Jim muttered dragging me along.

I looked down at the body. It was soaked from head to toe so the natural assumption would be that he drowned.

"take a closer look" Jim urged as he moved the victims head to the side.

It's then that I saw it. A hole in the side of his head.

"Well spotted" I complemented the boy.

"Well I didn't because ultimate detective for nothing" Jim said proudly.


"hey do you have any idea who the killer could be?" kiba asked.

"I have an idea" I muttered.

"really? Who?"

Before I could answer that obnoxious bear popped onto screen.

"alright kiddos its class Trail time. Come on hurry up!" he demanded before disappearing.

"hey are we ready for this?" kiba asked nervously.

"yes I believe so" I muttered before walking ahead to the class Trail.

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