Hiding It

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Kokichis pov

I walked through the front door only to be greeted with the worried faces of my partners.

"kokichi are you ok?"

"we were worried about you!"

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't brave enough to tell them I was pregnant so I did what I was best at.


"I just went for a walk. Sorry if I worried you guys!"

"that's ok sweetie just tell us next time" shuichi said kissing my forehead.

I walked to our bedroom and lay on our bed staring at the ceiling. What am I going to do? I can't have the baby. I wouldn't be any good as a mom but if I stay pregnant too long even kaito will be able to notice! So what the hell do I do!

"aww I think it would be fun to have a baby" playful giggled.

"yeah but you're not thinking about how hard work they'll be" I muttered.

"waaaaaa baby's scare me" crybaby whined.

"everything scares you!" playful pouted.

"how about we just hide it?" phantom Theif suggested.

"I can't hide a bump forever phantom" I sighed.

"I don't see why you're all struggling with this so much" dice sighed "why not just get an abortion?"

My eyes widened. That's not a bad idea. If I abort the baby then no one will have known I was pregnant to begin with! Plus the baby's not even alive yet so there's no hard feelings. I just need to know when I can get an abortion. I took out my phone and typed up...

When can I get an abortion


Three months

Three months huh. My stomach shouldn't be too big around three months so it should be perfect.

"wait kokichi!" pregame pleaded "please think of the morality of the situation. Your basically killing your own baby!"

"I'm sorry pregame" I sighed "but this kid would be better off dead than having me as a mother"

Right in three months I'll get rid of it!

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now