Faded Memories

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Kibas pov

I looked myself up and down in the mirror. Today's the day I graduate from hopes peak!

It's been two years since I first started that school and since then I've made friends, learned a ton of life lessons and I even got myself a girlfriend. Yep life sure is great right now!

"hey looking good kiddo" dad came in and ruffled my hair.

"careful kaito your going to ruin his hair" my other dad scolded.

"oops sorry kiddo" dad chuckled awkwardly.

"it's fine dad" I giggled. I'm in too good a mood to get angry!

My mom came in and cupped my face with a gentle smile on his face "my little boys all grown up" he said kissing my forehead.

"hehe mom you don't have to do that" I giggled.

"I know but your still my baby no matter how old you get" he said hugging me close. I'm taller then him now and he still treats me like a kid.

Suddenly my sister sayori walked in.

"hey sis. How's the wedding Planning going?" I said teasingly. Token asked sayori to marry her two weeks ago and I've been teasing her about it ever since.

"just fine kiba" she smiled at me and she stoked my cheek

I blushed slightly "jeez sis what is it with you and mom treating me like a little kid?"

"it's not that. We're just proud of you" sayori smiled warmly "you've come so far kiba. And here I thought you'd need my help" she looked down for a second "hey do you still have the walkie talkie I gave you?"

"yeah why?"

"give it to me. You don't need it anymore"

"Umm ok" I reached into my pocket and handed it to her.

"thank you kiba" she pulled me into a hug "I'm so proud of you little brother" with that she left.

I wonder why she gave me that walkie talkie in the first place?

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now