Staying With The Great Grandparents

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Kaitos pov

Sayori bounced up and down excitedly as we drove down to my grandparents farm. Seeing as our house is no longer safe we're going to have to stay with my grandparents for a while.

Kokichi looked out the window with a anxious look on his face. I bet he's still shooken up about the whole break in. Poor baby. I hope this is enough to ease his mind.

We arrived at my grandparents house. They came out with surprised looks on their faces.

"oh my we weren't expecting visitors" grandma gasped.

"yeah sorry about that. It was kinda last minute" shuichi chuckled awkwardly.

"grandma! Grandpa!" sayori ran up to her great grandparents

"ah hello my girl!" grampa said picking her up and throwing her in the air "you've gotten so big"

"Umm can we go in?" I asked.

"of course you can dear" grandma said kindly "our home is your home after all"

We went inside and explained everything.

"so you see gramps we could really use a place to stay"

"oh of course kaito. We wouldn't want your family to be put in danger" grampa said firmly.

"oh you poor thing" grandma said hugging kokichi "you must have been so scared"

"I was" kokichi sighed "I was so afraid that she was going to take sayori away and make her as messed up as she is"

"Well you have nothing to worry about lad. We'd never let that happen" grampa said kissing sayori on the head.

"now why Don't you darlings head to bed it's getting late" grandma suggested. We nodded and headed to the guest room.

Me and shuichi got changed into our pyjamas. I left the room to go check on kokichi who was reading a bedtime story to sayori.

"and they all lived happily ever after. The end" kokichi closed the book with a sigh.

"hey gorgeous" I said hugging him close "you ready to go to bed?"

"yeah" he said snuggling into my chest.

I picked him up and carried him to our new bedroom. Then the three of us fell asleep in each others arms.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now