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Kokichis pov

Once they left I burst into tears "I passed on my awful illness to him. What kind of mother dose that!"

Shuichi and kaito ran to my side.

"it's ok honey we'll help him though this. He's not alone" shuichi said reassuringly.

"yeah. At least he only has one of them" kaito chimed in.

"not helping kaito" shuichi scolded.


I sighed "thanks guys but I still feel awful"

"I should be th one feeling bad" sayori sighed "I should have let kiba keep that walkie-talkie. Then maybe I could have saved him from that awful killing game!"

"honey" shuichi placed a hand on her shoulder "it's not your fault. You didn't expect a killing game. None of us did!"

I let out a small laugh that surprised them all "look at us blaming ourselves for things we can't change. We're one in the same huh kid?"

"yeah I guess" sayori giggled.

We all ended up laughing. I could feel the tension evaporating from the room. Maybe things will be ok.

Suddenly kiba came skipping in with a ice-cream cone in hand and token close behind.

"hey guys what did I miss?"

"nothing sweetie" I smiled at him "hey did you get ice-cream baby?"

"yeah token bought me some" he grinned.

"only cause you kept badgering me to get you one" token rubbed his eyes tiredly. I guess our kiba a little too much for him!

"aww isn't that sweet" sayori said hugging her husband. He smiled at her lovingly.

I looked around at them proudly. I really made a great family didn't I?

The end.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now