First Class Trail (with Help From Rai)

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Kibas pov

We all took our places at the stands. This place looked like a real trail room. From where I was standing I could see each and every one of their faces. I looked at all the faces of my classmates. There's no way I can believe one of them is a killer. It all has to be a lie. Right?

"alright I suggest we start off easy. With the victims cause of death" Jim said starting off our debate.

"ohh I know this one!" anzu stuck his hand up in the air.

"if you know then just say it. We're not in class dude" juno shook her head.

"oh sorry" anzu muttered in embarrassment "anyway the murder weapon is definitely this knife. It was next to the body and everything!"

Everyone started murmuring among each other.

"a knife?"

"why was the murder weapon next to her?"

"maybe she committed suicide?"

"how awful!"

"yeah I actually studied that knife a bit" jakku grinned "and I can safely say that the owner of that knife and Tammy's killer is kayla Ibadishi!"

"me?" kayla yelped.

"isn't this the pocket knife you used in your magic show the night before the murder?" he asked.

"Well yes it's my knife but I didn't kill her! I simply forgot my knife on the table last night" her voice was wavering. I can't imagine how scared she must feel.

"a likely story"

"hey! She's telling the truth!" I yelled. Kaylas eyes filled with relief as I said this. I gave her a thumbs up. I got this!

"oh really? And do you have any proof that she's telling the truth?" jakku raised an eyebrow.

"um- Well I- Umm" damnit! I can't think of anything!

"if you don't know what you're talking about then stay quiet dumbass!" jakku growled.

"seems your having a bit of trouble" Rai muttered "you've always did struggle with problem solving. How about I take over?"

"no I can handle this!" I muttered. I didn't trust Rai with my body. There's no way I'll let him take over.

"stubborn as always. Are you trying to get us killed" Rai growled.

"ok if no one has any actual proof then let's just vote for the girl" no! Kaylas going to die and it will be all my fault!

"actually I-"

"ahhhhh!" Jim was cut off by me screaming. I was in so much pain I couldn't help but scream. My heart was beating out of my chest. I've never felt so stressed before.

The last thing I saw was the conserned faces of my classmates before passing out.

Rais pov

I stood up with a sigh. Its about time I got some control. Now it's time to get him out of this mess.

I took my glasses out of my pocket and put them on "alright let's get started"

"whoe hold on what the hell happened" Joseph muttered in disbelief "you passed out, woke up and put some glasses on. That's weird"

"there's no need to worry about that Joseph"

"did you just use my real name!" he yelped. This seemed to surprise him more than anything else.

"all you need to know is that my names not kiba. It's Rai" I explained "Kiba can explain it in more detail when he gains control"

"Well I'm still confused but nows not the time to think about it. We've got a murder to solve" the purple one muttered.

"good. As least someone here has a good head on their shoulders" I smiled at him. I turned to the short one "you asked my host to prove that the white haired one isn't the killer. How about the fact that she was killed with a bullet not a knife"

"what!" he yelled

"yes I asked the medic to do an autopsie so I can say for sure she was killed by a bullet to the heart. I surprised a Yakusa couldn't tell a bullet wound when he saw one"

"you. You better shut the hell up right now!" he growled

"no thanks. I don't plan on dieing here just so you can save your little girlfriend" I turned my attention to his little bodyguard "your the only one with a gun. Its pretty obvious that you're our killer" I turned to the purple haired boy "I could tell you came to this conclusion yourself but dismissed it thinking it was too easy. Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one"

"I feel so ashamed" he muttered "at least I can try and learn from this mistake" I kinda respect this boy. Maybe I'll try and learn his name.

"this is bullshit!" the small one yelled "miwa not responsible for anything. She was framed! She was-"

"she fine young master" she smiled weakly at us "your absolutely right. I am the killer"

"why? Why won't you let me protect you!" he yelled with tears in his eyes.

"because that's not your job jakku. It's mine" she turns to us "let's start the votes.

We nodded and all voted for her.

"Well surprise surprise our first killer happened to be miss miwa shin!" Monokuma laughed gleefully "man you picked a pretty obvious way to kill someone huh?"

"I planned to get caught from the start" she smiled to herself

"wait you didn't" himari gasped "then why did you plant a knife there?"

"she didn't. I did" jakku muttered "I knew what she was planning to do. She wanted to get caught and I didn't. That's why I pinned the crime on Kayla"

"but why even do this in the first place?" Kayla said tearfully

"it was the best way to keep jakku safe" she said simply "without him I have no reason to live. So giving up my life isn't that hard"

"and give up your life you will for its time for the main event" Monokuma said gleefully "let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiiits punishment Time!"

Miwa was standing in the yard. In front of her was jakku who was surrounded by red dots. On closer inspection those red dots were targeted snipers

Miwas punishment
Faster than a speeding bullet!

Miwa without a second thought rushed in and took several bullets to the back. She smiled down at jakku only to realise that he was a doll the whole time. She let out a gasp before falling over dead.


I watched in silence while the others panicked behind me. Its a good thing kiba wasn't around to see this. This would no doubt break him.

That's the last thing we need.

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