Hope At The End

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Sayoris pov

Monokuma handed us out some food which I was grateful for and we all took our places at the stands. I never liked konnie much. He always seems to happy at the trails and she even ended up hurting my friends for seemingly no reason. Still I don't accept that she was killed for the sake of someone's selfish desire to leave. I will find konnie killer no matter what!

"okay so how did the konnie die? Her head looked like it suffered some trauma" polo said tearfully.

"I believe he was killed by a sukujin" naoko said confidently.

"what's a sukujin?" akamaru asked

"as I've already explained to sayori a sukujin is a weapon make from rope and a weight. It was made to throw at a victim from a far distant" naoko explained.

"ah I see so the killer hid somewhere and threw it at taro when he wasn't looking?" token said.

Wait that's not right.

"that's more or less what happened yes" naoko said

That contradicts everything I found

"so someone threw a weight at her head? What a awful way to go" polo said tearfully.

"no that's wrong!" I yelled


"I do agree with you that the weight is what killed her but I don't think it was thrown at him"

"why not?" akamaru asked.

"Well just look at the end of the rope. It's clearly been cut. If you were simply throwing it then there would be no reason to cut the rope!"

"maybe the killer simply cut the rope cause it was too long" polo suggested.

"that's possible but the fact that I found a piece of rope tied to a hook makes me think overwise"

"Well when you put it like that I have to agree" naoko said

"what do you think happened sayori?" token asked.

"I believe that the weight was tied to the hook and hung over the bar on the ceiling. The killer cut it and the weight fell on konnies head"

Talya gasped.

"what's wrong?" akamaru asked.

"I just realised something" talya muttered "there's no way taro didn't notice the weight hanging over his head. It would have been really obvious. So he must have stood there knowing exactly what would happen."

"so your saying it was a suicide!?" polo gasped.

"indeed it was" I sighed "it can't be denied. Konnie gave up her life in order to save ours"

"that was so brave of her" polo said with tears in his eyes.

"I guess we gotta skip to the voting" peako sighed.

We voted for konnie and got it right.

"goddammit I hoping you brats would get it wrong so I could execute someone" Monokuma said angrily "oh well I guess we can end this with konnies suicide note"

"konnie left a suicide note?" polo gasped.

"yeah I kept it from you" Monokuma admitted.

"of course you did" talya rolled her eyes "just hand it over already!"

"alright fine" he muttered handing it over to me.

I read the note outloud.

"dear classmates
I sorry to do this but I desided that my life must come to a end. Its for the best honestly. I truly believe that this is a wonderful place where true hope can shine no matter the dispair it faced. But hope cannot shine if everyone is dead so this feels like the right choice. My father told me before he died to find my true hope so I can die happy and thanks to you all I have. Thank you for everything.
Love konnie"

I had tears in my eyes at the end of it. I never truly understood her. I feel like that will remain one of my biggest regrets.

"to give up your life for something you believe in. She was such a strong person" polo wiped his tears away with a determined look on his face "I'm going to honor her and marcos sacrifice by staying strong and helping everyone escape this place" the others murmured in agreement.

I smiled to myself. Everyone's been so moved by konnies sacrifice. I guess nows not the time for regrets but for action!

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