Junos Panic Attack

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Kibas pov

I woke up back at the gymnasium. I had so many questions. Why was I graduating? When did my sister get engaged? And when the heck did I get a girlfriend!?

"pretty crazy stuff huh" Monokuma giggled "if you want to learn more about your past all you have to do is kill!" he says it like it's so easy! "well that's all for now. Todaloo!" with that he disappeared.

"no no no" juno was rocking herself back and forth "not the heart monitor. Please I don't want to lose anyone else!"

"whoe easy juno it's ok" anzu tried to calm her down.

"I can't calm down!" she said her breathing getting more rapid.

"she's having a panic attack!" miki gasped. She ran over to juno and gently took her by the shoulders "look at me juno. I need you to take a deep breath through your nose and out your mouth"

She nodded and did what miki told her to do.

"good girl" miki said reassuringly "now keep doing that until you can breath normally"

She nodded again.

I sighed. Seems like this whole memory thing was too much for some people. I just hope that it doesn't lead to another killing.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now