[14] Oct 2, 2022 - Sunday 09:19 [28]

302 17 0

| Mountain Lodge

"Let's go, let's go!" I hear Rosé screaming, clapping her hands.

"... I want to eat!"

"Aish," I groan.

"... How can you wake up like this?!" I scream back.

I look at my side as I open my eyes. She's not here... she's probably already getting ready. I breathe deeply.

"Get up!"

"Okay, okay, just stop screaming!"


"So...?" Rosé starts.

"So what?"

"You and Jennie, hmm..."

I froze a little.


"Nothing, nothing."

I look at her confused.

"... It's just that the two of you were sleeping really close this morning."

"Ah-I don't remember that."

"She was sleeping all over you, with her head on your neck, and you don't remember?" she chuckles.

She what?!

"Ah... she must have fallen asleep that way..." I say packing the things in my backpack, still processing that information.

"And why did you let her?!" she screams, her arms crossed.

"... You never let me cuddle with you!"

I chuckle.

"I didn't let her, I was sleeping."

"Hm, okay," she smiles.

"... By the way, Jennie already went down."

I nod.


I'm at the kitchen table, peacefully eating my cereal next to Rosé. Jennie and Jisoo are sitting in front of us. The others are on the sofa and the rest, including X, went out to grab drinks for tonight.

"Why do you look like shit?" I almost choke on my cereal and look up in shock at Jisoo who is referring to Jennie. Rosé also widens her eyes in their direction, and we both press our lips, trying not to laugh at Jennie's angry face.

"Wow, thanks..." her voice tinged with exhaustion. 

"... I just... I didn't sleep well last night... I kept having... weird dreams," she glances at me and then quickly looks away.

"Hmm," Rosé starts to smirk at her.

"... That kinda dream, huh?"

"That was nothing like that!"

"So why are you getting flustered?" Jisoo asks, joining the teasing.

"I-I'm not!" she gets up from her chair and starts walking angrily, taking small steps towards the sofa where the others are. I smile at the fiery, angry kitten.

I turn to them again and Jisoo meets my gaze, her eyes carefully analyzing me. I immediately stop smiling. Jisoo seems so protective of Jennie, which I like, but it's so fucking intimidating. I glance at Rosé... she is playing with her spoon, not looking up. Hmm.

"I have to go to our room to put my phone on the charger. I forgot it last night."

Rosé's gaze snaps up, locking onto me with an intense killer look.

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