[38] Dec 22, 2022 - Thursday 04:32 [109]

191 14 4

I'm in the back seat of Rosé's car, with her driving and Jisoo beside her.

On my side is... Jennie, looking outside.

Rosé stops the car and we get out.

The sky is so wide and blue... we are on top of a hill, near a cliff... you only can see the sky and a... structure below on the ground... surrounded by water... it's a tall building built of sand...? And carved stones... like... is ancient... 

Now that I pay more attention there are a lot of people here too... it feels like a tourist kind of place... like a church... and is so enormous... and breathtaking...

Jisoo, Rosé... and Jennie start walking down the cliff to get there, but... it feels like they will go inside and... it's not what I'm supposed to do... so I stay... and... we separate...

I feel an old woman next to me... I look at her and she's on crutches.

I never met her... but... I don't want to leave her alone... I feel somehow... responsible for her...

She can't climb down... but... oh... there's a long bridge extending all the way from here to the ground below.... made of the same materials as the big building... stone and sand... and behind it... just the blinding view of the sea.

We take together that long path instead... 

We reach the building and I suggest we sit on the stones against the wall outside.

She complains that I'm making her walk too much... but... ma'am... my only intentions are just for you to sit and rest...

We sit... and... two women I have never seen before too... approach the woman that is sitting with me... the three got surprised like they hadn't seen each other for a long time... 

I stay quiet, looking at the people amazed by the building... it's all so ancient... so... sandy...

All of a sudden... wtf?! One of the two women splashes water on the woman's face next to me... she starts rumbling words that I don't understand... making weird and aggressive strokes on her face... the woman next to me starts to get her eyes different... bigger... blurry... she starts to get numbly happy...

The two women lean to me to do the same... I move way... yeah, no thanks... they... start looking at me... with wide eyes... moving their body with weirdly and fast movements... saying I should let them... expel the devil that could be already be hidden in me... that I should be careful... because... they might be already chasing me... 

I refuse again... this is getting creepy as fuck... they keep begging me to do it and getting near me... I get up and start walking backwards... they don't stop so... I run... 

But what if... I have... 

No... no! 

My breath is getting heavier as I run...

I stumble into... 


Other people are here too.... walking outside near the entrance of the building... and... the door is open...

I can see a big courtyard... with a garden spread out against the high interior walls... flowers in pots against those walls... and a stone pathway to... what looks like the actual interior of the building.

And... at the door near us... suddenly appears...

My eyes start to get watery... my breathing getting out of control...


"... Are you real...?"

She looks... happy... with her favourite long dress... and... she's able to spot me in the crowd...

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